Wednesday, December 14, 2011

You are here

Here we are.

Since the day we found out we were pregnant with twins, it feels like we are following some kind of convoluted map, leading us on a journey of developmental milestones, medical diagnoses, therapy equipment, medications, surgeries and various emotional states.

Behind us is the twin to twin transfusion syndrome, discovering Harper's brain injury, anger at our situation then accepting our kids for who they are, excitement watching both girls make developmental progress, navigating the Early Childhood intervention program, then the seizures, the medication, and now surgery.

From reading other parenting blogs and talking with other moms, I can predict a bit of what lies ahead. Likely much much more therapy for Harper, braces for Harper's legs to help her walk, Eliza will start school and join sports or dance, we have a new baby on the way too so there will be even more navigating once it arrives.

I imagine a marker on the map at our current location, Dell Children's Medical Center, post-op that says, "You are here."

And, you know, where we are is really not too bad.

Harper is doing great! She has definitely exceeded my expectations for what I thought she would be doing at this point after surgery. She sits up on her own. She's started eating pretty much like she was before surgery. She is using her right hand to hold toys and manipulate her pacifier. She didn't have any complications from the surgery, like infection or hydrocephalus. She hasn't had anything even remotely resembling a seizure. I'm feeling pretty awesome about taking her home and getting her started on more therapy to get her left side working.

She's still not taking a bottle or drinking much fluid, but the speech therapist feels like that will come with time and it makes sense that liquids would be harder for her to coordinate after the kind of surgery she had.

I'm at the hospital waiting with baited breath to find out if the Neurosurgeon is going to let us leave today. Oh please, oh please, oh please! I think it's time for us to move to the next region on our map of life. I'll follow wherever it leads us, but I'm really hoping that today that is back to our house with my sweet Harper in tow.


  1. Natalie, I stumbled upon what was happening with Harper just a few days ago, but I wanted to let you know that you and your husband and girls have been in my thoughts a lot. I really admire how strong you've been through it all and can only imagine what it must be like to be in your shoes. Anyhoo, just wanted to let you know you have a fan in me and I'm rooting for all of you.

    And by the way, congrats on the baby bean!


  2. I hope you guys get out of there today and CONGRATS on your soon-to-arrive bundle of joy! That's amazing!

  3. It is oh-so-good to see you smile! I am so glad that Harper's surgery has gone so well. I'm catching up on your posts- and I admire your truthfulness and optimism!
    Love you!
