Friday, January 7, 2011

...And we're back! Ten things that have happened since I last posted.

It's been a while since I posted...blah blah blah...have no time because of these babies...blah blah year's resolution is to post more...blah blah blah.

OK, now that I have dispensed with the apologies and promises, on to my post!

I read a lot of TV and music blogs and this is the time of year when all the critics are doing their Top 10 lists. So, I thought I would throw up one of my own to catch you up on the happenings in the Twingate household.

Here they are, in chronological order -


10. I quit my job.
Technically, this happened before my last post, but since I hadn't written about it. I think it counts. I miss my co-workers and it's been a bit of an adjustment, but overall, it was the right decision. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do this in my pajamas all day (I know, you're jealous):

9. Halloween!!

Eliza (L), Harper (R)

Yeah, I know, I'm working on my picture taking skills, but it was really all I could do to just get them to stop squirming long enough to get this picture. Oh my God - so cute!!

8. Raspberries!!!
Since they figured out how to make their new noise, the girls can't get enough of the raspberry.  Here's a video of Eliza during a very serious raspberry session:

7. Eliza and Harper rolled over.
Eliza mastered the tummy to back roll first, in early November, and Harper followed about a month later.
Here's Eliza in action:

They are working on the back to tummy roll and are really close to getting it.  I'm horrified that they are going to be mobile soon.

6. Thanksgiving.
For some unknown reason, I decided to host family here at our house!  Most of our family lives out of town and I thought it would be easier for them to come to us than for us to travel with the girls.  Well, that was sort of true.  We spent all day cooking and then Harper and Eliza got overstimulated with all of the people and, wouldn't you know, just as soon as we sat down to eat, they staged an all out mutiny and we ended up taking turns walking them around the block.  Oh well, we enjoyed the leftovers on Friday!
Luckily Dave's dad (Papa Jim) got some awesome shots of the girls.  Behold!

Eliza in her "Johnny Jump-up" for the first time

Eliza (l), Harper (r)

5. We found out Harper has a visual impairment.

Harper in her bumbo
We found out while she was in the NICU that Harper had a stroke before she was born.  I haven't written much about this here, but I plan to.  We noticed that Harper wasn't making as much eye contact as Eliza and we took her to the ophthalmologist where she was diagnosed with a cortical visual impairment.  The physical structure of her eyes is fine, but because of her stroke, her brain is having a hard time receiving the visual data.  She has 20/400 vision and some peripheral vision loss, which makes her legally blind, but she can see things that are close to her face.  This could improve with age, but we will have to wait and see.  She is happy and active and, now that she has been diagnosed, we can start to get her the help she needs.

4. Dave got a promotion.
He is now a Senior Software Engineer, promoted from Junior.  He works hard and he sure deserves the recognition.  Go Dave!

Dave and his "Mini Me" (Eliza)

3. Our first road trip with the girls.
The week before Christmas, we packed the girls and pretty much everything we own into the car and headed to Dallas to see our family and friends.  The drive went as you would expect.  We stopped quite a few times for feeding and crying and what not.  The visit was fun, but exhausting.  We made the rounds from my mom's place to Dave's dad's place and to see a couple other friends.  The girls did pretty well being passed from person to person.  I have to admit I was having some baby performance anxiety ahead of time.  Will they let other people hold them?  Will they scream the whole time?  What if they're not cute enough!!!???  But, my fears were unfounded.  Everyone had a great time hanging with us and the babies.

Aunt Gabrielle & Eliza
Mimi & Eliza

2. Harper and Eliza's first Christmas.

Harper is not amused.
It was just the four of us on Christmas Day and we spent the day lounging and playing with all of the new toys the girls got.  Obviously, they aren't old enough to understand what is going on, but that didn't stop us from dressing them up in outfits and taking pictures!!!  Here are a few for your enjoyment.

Harper (l), Eliza (r)

Mommy & Eliza

Eliza (l), Harper (r) in the outfits they got from Aunt Lenny

1. Still breastfeeding.
I guess this isn't something that happened so much as it is something that is still happening since I last posted.  People ask me a lot so I thought I would let you know, that, yes, it's true, I am still breastfeeding both girls at 7 1/2 months!  They have exclusively eaten breast milk since they were born.  We're venturing into solid foods starting tomorrow, but I plan to continue until they turn 1.  It's not the easiest thing in the world, but it sure is cheaper and it is the right choice for our family.  Plus, it's a good tool to have in my mommy arsenal.  As I always say, "That's a job for the Mighty Boob!"

Well, there you have it.  My top ten list.  Now you're all caught up.
Back to our regularly scheduled programming...


  1. Lots of big changes and cute pictures. You go Team Parents! You are doing such a great job. I look forward to continuing to watch my twieces grow and blossom. Much love from Aunt Gibby!

  2. Thank you for the update! I was so happy to see ya'll at Christmas. Give my love to the girls!!!!

  3. I love it!!!!!! GO MOMMA NAT!
    More, More, More!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing the photos and this list from the past year. So great!
