Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Embracing chaos.

You've probably noticed that we haven't posted anything on the blog in a while. That's because things have been a *little* chaotic around here. Just to give you an idea of what life with twins is like, I submit a few samples of the recent state of our household for your perusal:

Exhibit 1 - our kitchen counter:

Notice the bottles piled up along the right side of the sink and the pink tub full of dirty breast pump accessories in the bottom part of the fruit basket. There is hardly a place to even put new dirty dishes. Oh, and of course the coffee pot is on. Trust me, it's always that way!

Exhibit 2 - the living room:

You can see that we are using the Pack N' Play as a clean laundry receptacle. Hey, I'm just glad we have clean laundry! Who cares where it is. You can see the assorted swings and other baby receptacles sprinkled around the room as well. Gotta have a place to set those little squealers!

Exhibit 3 - the dog:

Poor Fennel hardly gets any attention anymore. He wanders around the house carrying his prized rubber chicken, hoping for just a moment of playtime, a walk around the block, some cuddles - anything! Right now, as I write this, he is pawing at the keyboard, trying to get me to love on him. I'm not even kidding.

In short, we can hardly keep up. And, this even counting the fact that I'm home all day, trying to run things smoothly. The only time I have to do anything is when this is going on:

(Eliza left, Harper right)

But, more often than not, this is what's happening:

Eliza gives her best pouty face.

Harper sheds some tears.

Or this:
(and breastfeeding of course, but no pictures of that - this is a family blog!)

Harper holds on to daddy's finger while she eats her bottle.

Sometimes this:

Daddy reads Harper a book to calm her down before bedtime.

And other times this:

Daddy dries off Harper.

Overall, though, we're managing just fine.

We've had a lot of help and support:

Aunt Lenny and the twinnies.

Mimi and Aunt Hilary take a shift holding the girls.

Aunt Gabrielle came to visit from Boston!

Grandma Pat cuddled Eliza all weekend long!

I'm learning to embrace the chaos that has become our lives.

I know I'll eventually have time for all those chores :)

Uh-oh, the girls are waking up. Gotta go!!!


  1. Love this, Natums! Sounds crazy there, but y'all seem really happy!!

  2. That is our house too... but with just one baby! :) Should post pictures of our place, it makes yours look spotless. ;)

  3. I am so proud of you! Hard, hard work. The days sometimes will last forever, but the weeks and months just fly by. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!! Love all of you.

  4. What a sweet summary. I wanna come participate in the chaos again! Also, I love Eliza's pouty face. That is going to come in very helpful in life...
    Love you!

  5. Add a 3 year old with a million little Polly Pocket pieces and Barbies strung around the living room to the chaos of twins and you have a picture of my house. Yours doesn't look that bad. Hope to meet up with you soon for the discussion series.

  6. Looks like everything is under control. I'm glad because I didn't want to come down there and take over!
