Friday, March 4, 2011

Bad mommy!

I've just started letting the girls watch a little TV in the mornings after they eat their solid food.

I'm not one of those people who declared I would never let my kids watch television so I don't feel as though I am breaking any kind of moral code I set forth for myself.  But, I hadn't anticipated I would start using the boob tube this early.  So, every time I set up the high chairs and put on Yo Gabba Gabba, I walk away feeling a little guilty and mutter under my breath, "bad mommy!"

There are other times too:

Forgot to change diapers and remember several hours later because I notice Eliza's crotch sagging - bad mommy!
Didn't do all of Harper's physical therapy exercises every day - bad mommy!
Heard Eliza crying in the baby monitor at 6:30am and let her cry for an extra ten minutes so I could snooze - bad mommy!
Pick the pacifier up off the floor, lick it to clean it off and give it right back to my daughter - bad mommy!
Don't change out the bath water between baths so one girl gets a luke warm wash in second hand water - bad mommy!

I'm not beating myself up over it, though.  It builds character.  And, those 15 minutes of quiet every morning are worth all the self deprecation in the world.

Harper (l), Eliza (r)

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